Indoor plants>> for a green living

With the way humans have been developing and somersaulting into the next century through globalization and industrialization, pollution comes as no surprise. However, this pollution proves to be even more toxic when it burrows itself into the confines of our homes. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that we eliminate its very presence.

According to the study conducted by NASA, in 1989, in association with Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) it was revealed that certain toxic agents like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene are found in the air.

Following is a list of some plants that’ll help you remove away those toxins from the air while adding the much desired beautiful splash of green. Needless to say, an efficient way to purify your homes.

  • Chrysanthemum

  • Peace lily

  • Rubber plant

  • Snake plant or Mother-in-law’s tongue or Sansevieria

So what are you waiting for?? Get your hands at these greens🍃🍃


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