In the Limelight>> Quinoa

Native to South- America, quinoa (pronounced as kin-wa) is a whole grain that used to be a staple diet of the Incas. However, today this grain has traveled across the world to mark its remarkable properties. Here’s how its addition has gained popularity to take on the world by storm:


Antioxidants- rich in flavinoids

Protein- this grain contains all 9 essential amino acids. Low in carbs and high in proteins, therefore it makes up to be a good source of plant-based protein.

Fibre- a 100 gm serving of cooked quinoa provides almost 4.5 grams of protein and 2.8 grams of fibre.

A powerhouse of Calcium+ Iron+ Phosphorous+ Magnesium+ Manganese+ Vitamins B and E


With the list of all possibly rich nutrients found in abundance, this grain, therefore, encompasses a lot of health benefits too. The flavonoids- quercetin, and kaempferol found in it, offer with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It contains the amino acid- lysine responsible for the synthesis of collagen and is essential in the growth and tissue repair. Furthermore, it is rich in fibre so you can feel fuller for longer. Also, this whole-grain offers to be a great substitute for rice and thus can be used by people who wish to lose weight.


First and foremost, it is necessary that you rinse the grains thoroughly with water. The rinse will remove the compound (saponin) that coats the grains responsible for imparting to it with a bitter taste.

After this much-needed rinse, you can simply cook it just the way you cook rice. Given the versatility of quinoa, there are more than a number of ways you can think of incorporating it into your meals. Several websites and even Pinterest and YouTube also provide a range of recipes with quinoa included as one of the ingredients. Blend into smoothies, add into salads or simply cook like you would cook rice- you’ve got the say. Pick whichever suits your taste buds and keep experimenting with this ingredient so that you can add any ideas to your arsenal.

Top your regular salad with a generous amount of quinoa and start munching...😋



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