How to sleep better>> Tips and Tricks

You want to wake up early in the morning; you’ve planned on doing exercises and made yourself a study/ work routine. But you wake up only to find yourself groggy and tired. Why did that happen in the first place? Because you gave sleep the back seat.

Psst, …it is quite essential to have quality sleep for building a healthy lifestyle, and therefore its importance cannot be overlooked. Only when you sleep well can you find yourself productive, energetic, and active the other day.

Here I’ve got some tips on how to have a good night’s sleep:

Build a routine: Our body loves routine and therefore it is necessary to build yourself one. But make the change gradual. Shift your bedtime to 15 minutes before your regular time and gradually shift it forwards. This transition can help your body to adjust well while falling into the rhythm. And help you wake up earlier the next morning without actually having your body complaining of exhaustion.

Eat well: Take your dinner a few hours before bed but that doesn’t mean 6-7 hours before (that’ll only leave you awake craving for some late-night snack). Just set your dinner time at least 2 hours prior to sleep. Also, have a balanced diet- I’ve said it earlier so many times and I say it again.

Sweat it out: No surprise, right! Moving your body daily even for an hour will keep any tension and anxiety at bay; thus eliminating the stressor responsible for your difficulty in sleeping.

Ditch the wine and caffeine: Some people say that drinking wine before going to bed can help you make tired and drowsy. But did you know that wine is diuretic in nature; meaning it’ll make you drowsy only to keep you awake to empty your bladder all through the night. Drinking coffee is also a no-no. Switch these with some water, but don’t drink gallons, just sips to keep you hydrated. And keep a water bottle handy so you can quench your thirst during the night.

Plus, you can drink chamomile tea or turmeric milk before bed. These are known as a familiar sleep remedy.

Jot it down: If you are one of those persons who find themselves thinking of things while lying in bed; then keep a notebook handy and jot down any stressors or ideas that you might encounter. Every night before hitting the bed, make it a habit to go on the sleep journey without any disturbances. Also, writing down some positive affirmations will fill up your mind with positivity and gratitude.

Screens off: Your laptop screens and mobile phones emit blue light. This blue light tricks our mind into thinking its day time; which then affects the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Melatonin is a hormone found in the pineal gland of our body dealing with the sleep-wake cycle. That is why it’s necessary to put out the screens. Set a time at least an hour or two prior to your bedtime to ditch these and hop into bed.

However, if it’s really urgent that you need to complete that pending work then download a blue light filter. For laptops, you can use F.lux and for phones, Twilight or Darker. These apps will eliminate the blue light and replace it with a warm soothing light that goes easy on the eyes.

White noise: Some people find themselves falling into sleep easily if they hear the sound of the rain or the ocean. Invest in a white noise machine or download an app on your phone so you can listen in to the sound and gradually fall asleep. This will help drown out other noises that might be creating a disturbance to your sleep.

Bonus: make your bedroom an oasis where you can find yourself falling into sleep as soon as you hit the covers. For this change your mattress or switch to silk covers, if necessary, and put a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow covers too. Also, take a bath, dress into comfy PJ’s, and wear your nightcap. Making an oasis for yourself will surely guarantee you a good night’s sleep.

So ditch becoming a night owl and get your goodnight mode on…zzz

Sweet dreams.😴💤😴


  1. Thanks for those tips... I'll definitely try these out..


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