How to get beautiful and clear skin>> Tips and Tricks


Humans have always sprouted the tendency to compare oneself to others, despite knowing the fact that – comparison is the thief of joy. And with the social media windows open to showcase the picture-perfect lives of insta-babes; that tinge of jealousy pops up out of nowhere. This leads to us wondering how they get to have such clear and glowing skin.

But you know what- great skin starts from within so basically whatever it is that you put in the inside shows up on the outside. As easy as that. So here I’ve come up with some tips that can help you achieve that beautiful and glowing and dewy skin that you’ve since long desired.

Be proud of your skin- Yes I know and I completely understand that one cannot really shut out the social windows. But what you can do is at least not compare yourself to them- be it your skin, or even your complexion. This body belongs to you and you are one of a kind; and even with those imperfections, you are lovely and beautiful. So let go of that negative thinking you have in your mind regarding yourself. Learn to accept that imperfect perfection and be proud of it. You are truly beautiful- and you don’t need me to tell you that.

Wholesome foods- There are many types of foods labeled as superfoods for the skin. While that list goes true to an extent, but just because of that you cannot really skip the rest of the foods. I believe that it is not just some foods that have the capability to provide you with beautiful skin rather a whole bunch of nutrients found in the balanced diet. Include in your daily intake a balanced diet -a diet with the right proportions of nutrients will not just give the glow on your skin but also keep the body healthy and fit. So, nourish the cells inside out.

Hydrate- Water too is essential for our overall health. Keep your body hydrated by drinking water, detox teas, fruit juices, soups, smoothies, and the like. Here’s a trick to drink more water: just cut some of your favorite fruits and put in your water. This will not only infuse the water with its rich nutrients but also leave a fruity taste to make you wanting for more.

Sweat it out- Of course, this one comes as no surprise. The famous quote- all work and no play make Jack a dull boy, is needless to say true. So get your body moving and blood pumping. It can never be enough to list the benefits of exercise. For starters, you can start off with a brisk walk start only to increase the duration and include exercises later on.

Minimal skincare products- The cosmetic industry has evolved a lot, redefining beauty at each step and embarking a new cosmetic that can successfully hide that blemish or acne or discoloration. However one must not overlook the fact that these products are often filled with harmful chemicals and toxins too, which can only harm your skin and ruin it in the long run. So keep your eye open for any harmful ingredients and try to choose cruelty-free products.

De-stress- Whatever be the cause of your stress and anxiety issues, take the time to identify that and work in order to keep the stress at bay and your cortisol levels in check. Since our skin is the largest organ in our body; even the slightest of issues will leave its mark to make it look dull. Therefore it is necessary to carry out self-care rituals- like a warm bubble bath or some scented candles to get you off the grip of stress.

Give it time- Do not go after that quick-fix solutions. And do not expect the results overnight. Even though consistently practicing healthy habits and working towards it takes time but that is no excuse to pick up on quick-fix solutions. True you won’t see results right away but give it time. After all, good things take time.

Bonus: Exfoliate- Exfoliate regularly and scrub off those dead skin cells and debris but be careful- do not over-do it.

Go “makeup-free”- Skip the makeup and go makeup-free. Let your skin breathe in the natural air and whenever possible, skip the makeup part. Your skin laden with all the stuff only clogs your pores.

So now those were my tips to get beautiful skin. What about you? Have you got any tips or ideas on this topic? Do let me know in the comments.




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