Healthy Hair>>Tips

Straight, wavy or curly, if it’s healthy, it’s beautiful.

Every person wants those beautiful, luscious, voluminous tresses; those which frame the face and dance in the breeze. And some people do in fact go to greater lengths to achieve that desired result. They’re either not satisfied with the structure of their hair or the color or something else and keep on experimenting with tools and dyes to have their hair a certain way; thus making them brittle in the process. While others suffer from hair problems with no idea on what might be triggering it. Here in this article, we shall see into steps and habits that when inculcated can revive the natural beauty of your hair.

But before we begin, let’s see what actually is the root cause of hair loss and hair related issues.

Hair loss issues are indeed troublesome. However, it might be noted that these problems may arise due to our own negligence too. For instance, the constant use of tools on the hair and consumption of processed foods or even taking a lot of stress. Some other issues which might be resulting in your bad hair may be:

  •    Certain medications
  •     Health conditions like- thyroid.
  •     Genetic conditions

Well now that we know the issues behind hair related problems, let’s now see how we can actually play our part to get healthy hair.

First and foremost,

Cut out the negative: It’s easier to get caught up in the vicious cycle of if…then to get happy. And with social media being a window into people’s perfect lives, we begin to envy them and start our own level of comparison. Hey, we’re all unique and different in ways. So learn to love your body, your color, your skin, and your hair. And you don’t need me to tell you that you are absolutely beautiful even with all of those things which you count as imperfections.

Exercise: Move your body and sweat. Nothing works more efficiently than a healthy diet and exercise. It increases blood flow, pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body, and needless to say strengthens your body. Make time to exercise at least 5 days a week, if not every day. Your body will thank you for it (and your hair too).

Nutrition: It should come as no surprise that whatever you put in the inside shows up on the outside. And therefore it becomes all the way necessary to keep track of the foods that we consume. Whether you consume more of the processed and oily foods or do you skip meals- you should definitely take it into consideration. Now when it comes to hair there are some certain nutrients the deficiency or absence of which( from your diet) causes the hair loss problem. These are as under:

  •     Calories
  •     Iron
  •     Protein
  •     Vitamin- B
  •     Zinc

Just include these nutrients in your diet and you can rest assured. But that also doesn’t mean you have to neglect the other nutrients. Every nutrient plays its own role and therefore it will be more than beneficial if you were to take upon a balanced diet.

Gut health: Eating healthy nutrient-rich foods and staying hydrated will ensure your gut health. Also, include in your diet, the fiber-rich foods and probiotics will keep your intestines healthy and happy intestines mean better poop. In short a better gut health.

Keep minimal: Use lesser tools on your hair. Yes, we all love those mermaid waves and slick straight hair. But you don’t have to style that way every single day; save those for a special occasion. Regular styling will only strip the hair of its several layers making it thin and brittle. Allow it to breathe naturally and opt for methods that wouldn’t require the usage of these hair styling tools.

De-stress: Stress is actually the body’s defensive response towards danger or threat or demand. However, unchecked stress not only affects the body but also strips the hair of its luster. So allow yourself to not get stressed as often and prevent crossing paths with it. Also, try out the stress buster techniques to eliminate that unnecessary companion and find out a technique that works best for you.

It takes time: You see, everything takes its own time. So don’t start to beat yourself if you don’t notice any changes at all. That would only add to your stress. Just give it time, maintain a healthy routine and you will see subtle noticeable changes.

These were some of my tips on achieving beautiful hair. I hope you find something helpful here.

P.S. There are no quick-fix solutions to treat the damaged hair. Being consistent is the key to healthy hair.



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