Veganism>> for Beginners

     Choosing a vegan lifestyle can be both frightful and overwhelming at the same time. But with this lifestyle picking up momentum lately will undoubtedly calm down the nerves of vegan newbies to make this switch more joyful experience.

So if you’re thinking of starting veganism or maybe you’ve already started but found yourself stuck, then you’re going to get quite some valuable information here.

But before starting off, there might be something that you wanna consider:

Honour your decision. The decision of transiting into a vegan must be your own decision. A conscious decision made by you and not because of pressure or by force. It is your own decision to make which comes from deep within your heart.

So now that you’ve decided on picking up the lifestyle, let’s get into it:

  No Negatives: Begin with a fresh mindset. Ignore all the negatives that you’ve heard about veganism. It is too expensive, too bland or it being un-nutritious. Just get it out of your head and start with an open mind.

  Don’t be a SUPERHERO: You’ve recently made the vegan switch so why to hurry to become a pro at it. Take your sweet time. Simply incorporating a plant-based diet is an all win-win. And then ever so gradually make your transition to becoming 100% raw or gluten-free or oil-free; if only it resonates with you.

  Veganise you favourites: What better way to make your journey down the road delicious than to veganise your personal favourites. Learn to prepare these favourites which can serve as your go-to meals. Furthermore, you can always have access to a number of recipes on YouTube and Pinterest. Just type in “vegan recipes” and you will have a varied range of delicacies a click away.

  What’s your WHY: You have made the decision and decided to proceed with the switch. But why did you ever start it in the first place or even think of the transition? Was it because of the animals or the environment or were there some ethical reasons involved? Whatever be your reason, just write it down and try to be precise, if not accurate. This why-power will boost you with the motivation to keep up with the lifestyle.

  Listen to your body: Hey, it hasn’t been long since the change and it is ok if you feel hungry. Eat up. Your body needs time to adjust to the change; so take time and listen to the needs of your body.

  Stop eyeing others: This is a liberation diet, not a deprivation. Why do you have to focus on the foods that you cannot eat or consume? Thinking of those will only make you feel less motivated and this lifestyle will feel more of a punishment. You see the food market has been developing and experimenting with new ideas and today the market has much to offer to help make the vegan journey pleasant. Textured vegetable proteins known as mock meats can be quite a relief for the newbies to carry on while still tantalizing the taste buds.

  Mistakes happen: So you ate that non-vegan food? It’s absolutely ok and fine. You don’t have to beat yourself up because of this. Simply get on your wagon and this time around be watchful.

  Supplement: Get the wrong idea out of your head- you don’t need a whole box of supplements. You just need a vitamin B12 supplement in addition to your diet. Also vegan or not, every individual must take vitamin B12 supplements. But get your blood work done and visit your doctor before deciding on taking the pills.

So there you have it my tips on becoming a vegan. Now all you have to do is jazz up your dishes by incorporating the plant ingredients you may have known of but never actually used in your diet.

P.S. Just take your time and don’t give up.
       You’re already doing awesome.😉



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