Nourishment in uncertain times

Nourish yourself in uncertainty

Since the advent of the COVID-19, we have all been finding ourselves in, as I said earlier, uncertain situations. And it is quite understandable that we all are worrisome and anxious; and staying safe is our top-most priority. And here your immune system comes into play. However, as of late there have been a lot of products claiming themselves to be effective in boosting and strengthening immunity. Obviously, there is no denying in the importance of strengthening your immunity but let me tell you - there is no product that can strengthen your immunity overnight nor is there any to prevent or treat a virus. So it becomes all the way more important that we follow the age-old saying of having a balanced diet. A diet consisting of wholesome foods containing nutrients namely, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals will make a balanced diet. Incorporating a diet like this in your daily routine along with adequate sleep, exercise, and stress management will not only boost your immune but also make up for your healthy body. So do not get lured away by the tempting advertisements that publicize immunity booster products or medicines because you know the easiest trick to stay healthy is indeed cheap and in your control.



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