Minimalism>> for Beginners

Adapting to the lifestyle of minimalism can be a pretty daunting task at first when you've been accumulating pieces of stuff all your life. And therefore this transition is no easy to make for newbies. So here I have come up with a few tips that can be useful for the newbie minimalists and minimalists on-the-go:-

What's your "why":- Now that you've initiated towards living minimalistically, it is time you find and focus on your why. Calling up your will-power each and every time doesn't really work. Find that 'why' that got you worked up to choose 'minimalism' in the first place. The stronger your reasons are, the more likely are you going to stick to the lifestyle and not abandon it or regret it during the journey.

Downsize to perfect:- Minimalism doesn't actually mean downsizing to just fewer sets of clothing or having less of everything. It is not a lack of something but the perfect amount of something. So you don't really have to get rid of every single thing you own.

Here's a tip on how you can decide:- 

Hold the item in your hands.

-Ask yourself if the item serves you or does it spark joy?

If either of your answers is in the affirmative then just keep it! And for those items for which your answer is in the negation, they need to be thrown or donated or recycled (whichever you choose). 
This communication with your belongings will allow you to determine their worth.

P.S: You don't have to throw all of your items; if you love it then just keep it; you obviously don't have to get rid of it! For instance, I like collecting books I've read; being minimalistic doesn't mean that I'd throw them away.

Take your time:- Letting go of possessions, whether emotional or physical, is certainly quite a task when you've been habituated to living with them for some time now. So take your time to declutter and do it at your own pace. Start off by choosing a certain area (physical), however small (say, your purse), and then ever so slowly work your way inwards (sentimental). This slow process will make you become aware of each of your possessions and the values that these hold to you.

That's it for now! I hope these tips prove useful for all "minimalists" out there.

Happy Decluttering!


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