Staying Indoors

The current building situation counts on social distancing; which would be utterly difficult given that we are surrounded by different people at different times of the day.

Therefore, in order to slow down this massive outbreak and in an attempt to flatten the COVID-19 curve, we all need to follow the preventive measures and strictly follow the guidelines while staying in.

But, for some people, this job of staying indoors also requires a lot of effort and proves to be quite a challenge. So, here I have come up with some ideas that you can do to not get bored and enjoy your time at home. Here they are:-

  • Pick up your passion project:- Pick up that project which you had probably once thought of, but never could really make enough time to start with. Now's the perfect chance to start it all!
  • Hone your cooking skills:- If you had always been a take-out person and never really cared what's in your pantry, then it's your time! So, pull up your sleeves, dust that old cook-book, and prepare your own meals. Also, you could always get your loved ones to involve in the meal-prep.
  • Learn something new:- Invest your leisure time into learning something new. Getting involved in doing something that you've never really done before, will allow you to use the brain actively. This active usage of the brain releases hormones which in turn give a boost of happy feelings.
  • Binge:- This free idle will not last for too long, so enjoy it while you can. Pick up those soap operas or romcoms, or switch onto your Netflix to catch up on your favorites and just binge!
  • Self-care ritual:- While it is true that you're gonna spend your time staying indoors but this is no excuse to not care about yourself, only to reveal yourself to be a "potato". So make up some time for a sweaty workout routine to get a structured body and that glow on your face.                 

Those were my tips to get you through the quarantine period while enjoying yourself all the same. Let me know in the comments what are your tips and tricks and ideas to help yourself on not getting bored and keeping sane.

And I hope that these work out for you. 

Happy Quarantine!

Stay Safe.

Stay indoors.


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